14 Aprile 2022
Al Prof. Enzo Siviero,
Rettore, Ingegnere, Architetto h.c., componente di molteplici Accademie e Società tecnicoprofessionali internazionali, Docente in molte Università italiane e straniere,
Componente del Comitato d’Onore del PECC e già insignito dell’alto riconoscimento del ‘Capo Circeo’,
è stato attribuito dalla World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
un altro ‘award’ di assoluta rilevanza internazionale.
All’eccellente progettista, il cui nome è legato a molteplici affermazioni di altissimo livello quanto soprattutto al men che futuribile progetto del PONTE TUNeITA FRA TUNISI E MAZARA DEL VALLO, che riteniamo opera che potrebbe e dovrebbe essere finanziata dall’UE entro il prossimo decennio,
esprimiamo le più vive felicitazioni.
is the international organization for the engineering profession. Founded in 1968, under the auspices of UNESCO, WFEO brings together national engineering institutions from some 100 nations and represents more than 30 million engineers.
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Our Story
On March, 4th 1968, representatives of 50 scientific and technical associations from all over the world met under the auspices of
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris to establish the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO),
whose charter as an international, non-governmental organization is to unite multidisciplinary engineering associations throughout the world.
Our Vision
WFEO is the internationally recognized and chosen leader of the engineering profession and cooperates with national and other international professional institutions in being the lead profession in developing and applying engineering to constructively resolve international and national issues for the benefit of humanity.
WFEO encourages all of its national and international members to contribute to global efforts to establish a sustainable, equitable and peaceful world by providing an international perspective and enabling mechanisms:
- To provide information and leadership to the engineering profession on issues of concern to the public or the profession.
- To serve society and to be recognized, by national and international organizations and the public, as a respected and valuable source of advice and guidance on the policies, interests and concerns that relate engineering and technology to the human and natural environment.
- To make information on engineering available to the countries of the world and to facilitate communication between its member nations.
- To foster peace, socioeconomic security and sustainable development among all countries of the world, through the proper application of technology.
- To facilitate relationships between governments, business and people by adding an engineering dimension to discussions on policies and investment.
Our Mission
- To represent the engineering profession internationally, providing the collective wisdom and leadership of the profession to assist national agencies choose appropriate policy options that address the most critical issues affecting countries of the world.
- To enhance the practice of engineering.
- To make information on engineering available to the countries of the world and to facilitate communication between its member nations about the world’s best practices in key engineering activities.
- To foster socio-economic security and sustainable development and poverty alleviation among all countries of the world, through the proper application of technology.
- To serve society and to be recognized by national and international organizations and the public, as a respected and valuable source of advice and guidance on the policies, interests and concerns that relate engineering and technology to the human and natural environment.
- To cooperate with Funding Agencies such as development banks.
- To encourage public private partnerships by including the engineering dimension.
- To address the issue of what public policies need to be implemented.

The international organization for the engineering profession

Cooperates with United Nations bodies and other international organizations
1, rue Miollis
75015 Paris, France CONTACT US +33 1 45 68 48 47 secretariat@wfeo.org Our location+33 1 45 68 48 47secretariat@wfeo.org
Cooperates with United Nations bodies and other international organizations
Acts through thirteen Committees and Working Groups addressing key engineering issues
Il ‘Capo Circeo’ Enzo Siviero,
dal 12 Aprile 2022 ‘Award WFEO’